Friday, September 3, 2010

Airport Hotel Popularity-Kyle Davis

Reviews taken from have shown that the ratings on airport accommodations have been on the rise. The obvious convenience of staying in a hotel right next to an airport before a flight or in response to cancellations has always been noted but the comfort for regular guest has usually been overlooked. On average people save 42% staying at airport hotels compared to hotels downtown.The increased rating of these hotels has helped these business of these hotels outside of travelers. People coming to visit cities as tourist, or other reasons, are staying at airport accommodations increasing profit for them. 

The convenience for travel, the reviews and the cheaper price has boosted the market and appeal of airport hotels and has made them serious competitors with other hotels that may be around the same city. Airport hotels are usually more chain based hotels that are familiar with the average traveler. Familiarity makes the traveler more comfortable and reassured as to what they are purchasing A consumer is more likely to trust a nation wide hotel like the Hilton as opposed to a bed and breakfast located in the city.

1 comment:

  1. Kyle, great post! Make sure you always include source links in posts so that you can reference them when preparing the term paper. This is great insight and is an interesting trend that I was unaware of. Convenience and familiarity will probably play a big role in the trends your group with analyze during the semester in this industry.
