Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Burger Kings New CEO- Jesse Binder

3G Capital, the new owner of Burger King plans to restructure the burger joint management team through the hiring of CEO Bernardo Hees who will succeed Burger King's current Chief Executive Officer, John Chidsey. Bernardo Hees was previously the CEO of America Latina Logistica, Latin America's largest railroad and logistics company. He successfully implemented various strategies to boost company profits for the railroad and logistics company. Burger King’s sales and profits have been hard hit by the impact of the high unemployment rate of its targeted market of young customers. Analysts who follow Burger King hope that Bernardo Hees will be able to leverage his skills to the fast-food industry. Burger King’s international sales have been lagging behind its main competitor McDonalds. By bringing in the new CEO, Burger King hopes that new operator will show great leadership, discipline and innovation to help the burger company to surpass their key adversaries such as McDonalds and Wendy's.

Bernardo Hees will have to fill the shoes of some stronger CEOs who have previously run Burger King.   Burger King has had CEO's such as John Dasburg, Greg Brenneman, and John Chidsey who brought knowledge and experience to the company.  However, the former CEO's were unable to elevate Burger King’s market share and financial performance to a level near McDonalds, the industry’s powerhouse. I believe Bernardo Hees will enforce a new type of strategy and leadership into Burger King.   He not only brings strong leadership skills but also was previously the Chief Financial Officer of the Brazilian railroad and logistics company.  In my opinion he will focus on customer satisfaction, distributing better products to its consumers, and instilling more aggressive marketing and financing tactics to ensure that Burger King is able to improve its competitive standing in the fast food industry.


  1. Bernardo Hees has an important role to fullfill. He has to bring new tactics to the table that will give Burger King a bigger competitive advantage. Based on his previous work experiences, he seems capable of bringing Burger King to a new level. If he was able to bring more profits for the railroad and logistics company and he has a good chance of coming up with ideas that will be beneficial to burger King.

  2. Burger King's new owners have taken a smart step in hiring a new CEO and trying to bring a new era to the lagging food chain. I do, however, wonder if he can make the switch between the two different industries, railroad logistics and fast-food. Otherwise 3G's new addition might will be a great one. Burger King might also need to broaden its customer base as they seem to be the most vulnerable to the ups and downs of the business cycle.
